MOLTEN GLASS/Pate de Verre années 80


Traduit en Français




cristal : 51 x 24 cm


In these glasses of crystal when transparency and opacity intervene, everything is duality : the spiritual is opposed to the matter, technology fights against nature, magic is facing science, passion titillates reason, refinement goes against barbarous. The rough and barbaric side is associated on the same item with sophistication.
If one finds symbolism near mythology, Prometheus, or the myth of Icare or the Hell in Dante's work, it is a mixture between the art of the past and the art of the present. The matter represented by technology, series of mechanical and industrial signs nature (rock, geological stratification), human (the body, the spirit, the man) are opposed together in a visual synthesis.
The man follows a kind of initiation quest, punctuated with a series of signs, to finally end in wisdom.
The analysis of his works brings out two types of elements alway's present, which strengthen and complete one another. Exhalation of the beauty of nature, of the woman's body, or of our computerised and industrialised world but also the worries ofthe artist, who sees the human being broken down by the mechanism he can no longer control, are constantly in duality.
However the artist finds his inspiration in this rich inorganic matter, which he wants as close as possible from the original magma and the molten lava, like at the beginning of the cosmos. It is for him the quest for origins.
This sculptural work in molten glass must be coupled with his works in ceramics and above all his paintings.


Some of their creations :


Matter and spirit.


Little devil.


Icare : cristal 51 x 24 cm


Le couple et la comete. 47 x 24 cm


Genèse cosmique. 42 x23 cm


La vague aux ames. 42 x 26 cm

Others creations :

Ceramics - Sculptures - Paintings

Photos of Auquier's exposition

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